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coming soon


w o m e n 
o f
w i n e

zest describes the enthusiasm, dedication, and keen enjoyment of female winemakers for their craft. Each of them has her own distinct story and passion. zest is seeking inspiring women to share their approach to winemaking and discover how they infuse their wines with character and personality.

Just like the peel of a citrus fruit, zest also brings a refreshing quality to the table. These women depart from traditional norms in winemaking and the industry's patriarchal structures, infusing the world of wine with a vibrant influence.

Are you a curious wine drinker who enjoys wholesome evenings, believes in equal representation, is interested in sustainability, and thrives on the passion of others? If so, get in touch for a tasting, whether in a small private gathering or at business events.

reach out to chat:

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